inner spaceouter spaceunder space

Born: 30 June 1977, Fresno, CA, USA, Earth.
Live: Today, Right Now, San Francisco, CA, USA, Earth.
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 79 kg
Hair (head): buzz-cut, brown-red
Hair (face): Variously mutating sideburns, red-brown
Hair (elsewhere): plentiful and unaltered, red-brown
Eyes: Blue, uncorrected
Handed: Right
Skin: Teutonic, lots of birthmarks, summer arm-and-neck tans
Body: pudgier than I want to be, innie, circumcised, medium-build, long-limbed, narrow-skulled, big-nosed. Your average Anglo-Dutch-German-Russian mutt without a foreskin.
Clothes: black. Mid-price to discount. Baggy, layered, button-up, cut-off.
Pants: 34 w 34 l (XL).
Shirts: 16.5 35/36 (XL).
Undergarments: briefs or boxer-briefs with baggy or formal trousers. Freeball in jeans and tighter trousers.
Diet: Everything. Fast food, processed food, fattening food. Occasional vegetable.
Favorite food: Greek. Falafel. Stuffed grape leaves. Hummus.
Second favorite food: Mexican. Torta carnitas. Taco carne asada.
Drink: Socially, infrequently.
Favorite alcohol: Beer. Red. Newcastle.
Favorite liquor drink: Dry Bombay gin martini. Lime, no olive.
Favorite liquer drink: Red-headed hooker.
Occupation: Office toadie.
Career goal: Rich kept houseboy
Sexual preference: 90% homosexual.
Types/Fetishes: stocky jocks (football, baseball, heavyweight wrestlers), chubby Mexican boys with facial hair, butch goth boys, chubby blue-collar-white-trash-red-necks. Fred Durst with his mouth sewn up. Groups. Public stuff.
Unusual stuff: Drew Carrey fantasies. Lipstick lesbian preoccupations.
Marital status: Married but flirty.
Free-time occupations: Online time-wasting. Live audience or tele-audience diversions.
Schedule: Corporate slave. 8-5ish. More morning-person than night-owl.
Exercise: Walk where I need to (hey, it's San Francisco), sex, house-cleaning.
Surroundings: Black fabric. Black paint. Black carpet. Black accessories. Compact fluorescent bulbs. Storage for everything. Dusting where convenient, nick-nacks where inconvenient.
Vices: Coffee (Columbian dark), clove cigarettes, porn, sushi, consumer electronics, masturbation, exhibitionism (look at this site, fergawdsakes).
Health: hypertension (controlled with Accupril), cholesterol, numerous skin annoyances, otherwise healthy.
Turn-offs: Drugs, excrement, pain, poor communicative skills, head games, taking-sex-too-seriously.
Political/philosophical: Atheist, more right-leaning than left, individualist, personal-responsibility junkie.
Housekeeping: Near-OCD level of organization. Clean and tidy all-around. Shelved, not stacked. A place for everything and everything in its place (until David starts smacking me around).
Obsessions: Good communication. Future-oriented. Organizing my collections/possessions. Avoiding crowds. Analyzing my life.