Whom We Choose

Posted in Rants, Sods on January 6th, 2004 by Дмитрий

A new year arrives and queers still can’t marry. The ruling gang is still screaming for a law against it - admitting to the world that they want their institution extended as a privilege to the gang, rather than as a right which a rational government should protect for all adults.

The news tells me that a pop star with too much time and money on her hands has eloped with a friend at a little Vegas chapel. The next day, they waltz into court and have the marriage annulled. It’s great to see how highly regarded the institution of marriage is held today by our culture’s elite.

I am not going to moralize on how one should never be allowed to end a marriage, or that one must make a marriage work, no matter how severe the adversity involved. I recognize the many reasons a relationship may end, and that divorce, separation and loss are common and necessary parts of life. The potential end of a relationship should not prevent any individual from marrying, and being married should not be an invincible barrier to change. However, I find it particularly infuriating that someone can so casually play with such a powerful legal and social instrument. So many people do.

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Posted in Work on January 24th, 2004 by Дмитрий

No sleep tonight. My head is massively preoccupied and I know the exact reason: my life is piling up. I attended an advising session at SFSU for my prospective return to academics, and the thought of adding another brick to the wall is just starting to overwhelm me.

I’m working my ass off every day ay a very consuming job, yet after a year and a half, I’m still making less money than I did before I moved to SF. I’ve got debt piled sky-high and now I’m expected by said job to go back to school whilst not in any way affecting my committments at work. And to pay for that, too.

Honestly, I’m seriously questioning whether this is possible. My list pf chores and personal projects lies undone month after month. My life is at a standstill and the bills keep piling up, and now I have to pay for school and find the time to attend as well. I know that I’ll never go anywhere jobwise without this education, but fitting it into an already overwhelmed life just might drive me mad…